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Англо-русский словарь - safe


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Перевод с английского языка safe на русский

deposit хранилище; сейф
SAFE conduct
 1) охранное свидетельство
 2) охрана, эскорт
 1. noun
 1) сейф, несгораемый ящик или шкаф
 2) холодильник
 2. adj.
 1) невредимый; safe and sound - цел(ый) и невредим(ый)
 2) сохранный; в безопасности; now we are (can feel) safe - теперь мы (можем чувствовать себя) в безопасности
 3) безопасный; верный, надежный; safe method - надежный метод; safe place - надежное место; it is safe to say - можно с уверенностью сказать; I have got him safe - он не убежит; он не сможет сделать ничего дурного
 4) осторожный (о человеке) - as safe as houses - be on the safe side
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См. в других словарях

  1. сейф, несгораемый шкаф to break (to force) a safe —- взломать сейф 2. железный ящик (для документов, ценностей) 3. холодильник 4. холодный чулан, кладовка (для хранения продуктов; также meat safe) 5. воен. предохранитель (set) at safe —- установленный на предохранитель; на предохранительном взводе; ав. установленный на "невзрыв" 6. разг. презерватив 7. безопасный; находящийся в безопасности safe from criticism —- застрахованный от критики to be safe —- быть в безопасности the crisis is over and the patient is now safe —- кризис миновал, и жизнь больного теперь вне опасности he is safe from danger —- ему не грозит опасность innoculation renders one safe from infection —- прививка (полностью) предохраняет от инфекции here we are safe from interruption —- здесь нам не будут мешать; сюда никто не войдет the house is not safe from theft —- в этот дом могут забраться воры is the child safe to play on the beach alone? —- не опасно ли ребенку одному играть на пляже? 8. не представляющий опасности; не связанный с риском, безопасный safe place —- безопасное место safe road —- мор. безопасный рейд safe bet —- беспроигрышное пари it is safe to say —- с уверенностью можно сказать a speed of 50 miles an hour is safe on a wide road —- езда со скоростью 50 миль в час по широкой дороге достаточно безопасна is it safe to travel so fast? —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. сейф, несгораемый ящик; денежный шкаф - night safe 2. прил. 1) безопасный, не представляющий опасности, не связанный с риском 2) осторожный 3) благоразумный - safe bill - safe custody - safe customer - safe house - safe investment - safe partner - safe placement - safe policy - safe port - safe practice - safe seat - safe-deposit SAFE допустимый, несомненный – it is safe to say SAFE 1. прил. 1) общ. безопасный а) (не представляющий опасности, не связанный с риском) at a safe distance from — на безопасном расстоянии от Syn: harmless Ant: dangerous, harmful б) (защищенный от опасности; в безопасности) to be safe — быть в безопасности вне опасности Ant: "at risk 2) общ. невредимый, неповрежденный safe and sound — целый и невредимый Syn: unharmed, unhurt, uninjured 3) общ. верный, надежный; заслуживающий доверия in safe hands — в надежных руках Syn: "secure, trustworthy, reliable 4) общ. осторожный, осмотрительный, благоразумный (о человеке) better (to be) safe than sorry — семь раз отмерь, один раз отрежь Syn: cautious 2. сущ. 1) потр. сейф (несгораемый металлический шкаф или ящик для хранения денег, документов, ценных бумаг, драгоценностей) to break a safe open, to crack a safe — вскрыт взломать сейф to close lock a safe — закрыть сейф to open unlock a safe — открыть сейф Syn: cashbox 2) потр. шкаф ящик, камера для продуктов* (любой проветриваемый или холодильный шкаф...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) безопасный 2) верный 3) надежный 4) несгораемый шкаф 5) сейф 6) сохранный be on the safe side — на всякий случай maximum safe pressure — допустимое предельное давление minimum safe altitude — высота безопасная minimum safe level — уровень допустимый safe passing distance — безопасное расстояние safe radiation dose — безопасная доза облучения - intrinsically safe - now safe - rendering safe - safe concentration - safe height - safe light - safe state - safe strategy - safe stress - safe to handle ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  защита; предохранение; защищать; предохранять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) безопасный; надёжный 2) холодильный шкаф 3) поддон SAFE сокр. от solar array flight experiment лётное испытание панели солнечных батарей ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 a free of danger or injury. b (often foll. by from) out of or not exposed to danger (safe from their enemies). 2 affording security or not involving danger or risk (put it in a safe place). 3 reliable, certain; that can be reckoned on (a safe catch; a safe method; is safe to win). 4 prevented from escaping or doing harm (have got him safe). 5 (also safe and sound) uninjured; with no harm done. 6 cautious and unenterprising; consistently moderate. --n. 1 a strong lockable cabinet etc. for valuables. 2 = meat safe. Phrases and idioms on the safe side with a margin of security against risks. safe bet a bet that is certain to succeed. safe-breaker (or -blower or -cracker) a person who breaks open and robs safes. safe conduct 1 a privilege of immunity from arrest or harm, esp. on a particular occasion. 2 a document securing this. safe deposit a building containing strongrooms and safes let separately. safe house a place of refuge or rendezvous for spies etc. safe keeping preservation in a safe place. safe light Photog. a filtered light for use in a darkroom. safe period the time during and near the menstrual period when conception is least likely. safe seat a seat in Parliament etc. that is usually won with a large margin by a particular party. safe sex sexual activity in which precautions are taken to reduce the risk of spreading sexually transmitted diseases, esp. Aids. Derivatives safely adv. safeness n. Etymology: ME f. AF saf, OF sauf f. L salvus uninjured: (n.) orig. save f. SAVE(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English sauf, from Anglo-French salf, sauf, from Latin salvus ~, healthy; akin to Latin solidus solid, Greek holos whole, ~, Sanskrit sarva entire  Date: 14th century  1. free from harm or risk ; unhurt  2.  a. secure from threat of danger, harm, or loss  b. successful at getting to a base in baseball without being put out  3. affording ~ty or security from danger, risk, or difficulty  4. obsolete, of mental or moral faculties healthy, sound  5.  a. not threatening danger ; harmless  b. unlikely to produce controversy or contradiction  6.  a. not likely to take risks ; cautious  b. trustworthy, reliable  • ~ or ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1. a place or receptacle to keep articles (as valuables) ~  2. condom 1 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (safer, safest, safes) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Something that is safe does not cause physical harm or danger. Officials arrived to assess whether it is safe to bring emergency food supplies into the city... Most foods that we eat are safe for birds. ...a safe and reliable birth control option. ? dangerous ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ to-inf 2. If a person or thing is safe from something, they cannot be harmed or damaged by it. In the future people can go to a football match knowing that they are safe from hooliganism... ADJ: v-link ADJ, usu ADJ from n 3. If you are safe, you have not been harmed, or you are not in danger of being harmed. Where is Sophy? Is she safe?... ADJ: v-link ADJ • safely All 140 guests were brought out of the building safely by firemen. ADV: ADV with v 4. A safe place is one where it is unlikely that any harm, damage, or unpleasant things will happen to the people or things that are there. Many refugees have fled to safer areas... ADJ • safely The banker keeps the money tucked safely under his bed. ADV: ADV after v 5. If people or things have a safe journey, they reach their destination without harm, damage, or unpleasant things happening to them. ...the UN plan to deploy 500 troops to ensure the safe delivery of food and other supplies. ADJ: ADJ n • safely The space shuttle returned safely today from a 10-day mission... ADV: ADV with v, ADV adv 6. If you are at a safe distance from something or someone, you are far enough away from them to avoid any danger, harm, or unpleasant effects. I shall conceal myself at a safe distance from the battlefield... ADJ: ADJ n 7. If something you have or expect to obtain is safe, you cannot lose it or be prevented from having it. We as consumers need to feel confident that our jobs are safe before we will spend spare cash... = secure ADJ: usu v-link ADJ 8. A safe course of action is one in which there is very little risk of loss or failure. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »NOT CAUSING HARM« not likely to cause any physical injury or harm  (Flying is one of the safest forms of travel. | the safe disposal of radioactive waste | Don't go too near the edge - it isn't safe. | it is safe to do sth)  (Is it safe to swim here?) + for  (Parents want play-areas that are safe for their children.) 2 »NOT IN DANGER« not in danger of being lost, harmed, or stolen  (Will you feel safe in the house on your own?) + from  (We were safe from attack in the shelter. | keep sth safe)  (I'm trusting you with these documents - so make sure you keep them safe. | safe and sound (=unharmed, especially after being in danger))  (The missing children were found safe and sound.) 3 »PLACE« a safe place is one where something is not likely to be stolen or lost  (Keep the receipt in a safe place.) 4 safe journey/arrival/return etc a journey etc that ends safely  (They prayed for their father's safe return. | safe journey spoken (=what you say to someone when they start a long journey)) 5 »NO RISK« not involving any risk and very likely to succeed  (a safe investment | a safe method of contraception | (as) safe as houses (=completely safe)) 6 »SUBJECT« a subject of conversation that is safe is not likely to upset anyone or make people argue  (I kept to safe subjects, like the weather.) 7 better (to be) safe than sorry spoken used to say that it is better to be careful now, even if this takes time, effort etc, so that nothing bad will happen later  (I've checked all the safety harnesses - better safe than sorry!) 8 to be on the safe side spoken to do something especially carefully in order to avoid an unpleasant situation  (I'd take an umbrella, just to be on the safe side.) 9 be in safe hands to be with someone who will look after you very well  (I needed to know my kids were in safe hands.) 10 a safe pair of hands someone you can trust to do a difficult job without making mistakes - safely adv  (Drive safely! | I think we can safely assume that she will pass the exam.)  (- see also play it safe play1 ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  lab. abbr. Serostatus Approach To Fighting The Epidemic U.S. gov. abbr. Strategic Action For Emergencies U.S. gov. abbr. Services Against Financial Exclusion U.S. gov. abbr. Standard Annual Frequency Estimate mil. abbr. Serve Accept Facilitate And Equip mil. abbr. Stay Alert For The Edge mil. abbr. Safeguarding America For Everyone univ. abbr. Student Association Funded Escort univ. abbr. Student Association For Freedom Of Expression univ. abbr. Students Are For Education univ. abbr. Student Alliance For Equality univ. abbr. Student Action For The Earth funny abbr. Smurf Amplifier Finding Executive softw. abbr. Simple Algorithm For Fragmentation Elimination network. abbr. Security and Freedom through Encryption sec. abbr. Secure And Fast Encryption educ. abbr. Successful Alternatives For Education educ. abbr. Student Awareness Of Fire Education educ. abbr. Student Action For Equality educ. abbr. Substance Abuse Free Environment educ. abbr. Supporting A Friendly Environment educ. abbr. Southwest Association Of Future Educators educ. abbr. Seek And Find Encouragement educ. abbr. Schools Against Fearful Environments educ. abbr. Safety Awareness For Everyone educ. abbr. Skills And Assets For Excellence educ. abbr. Survivors And Allies For Education sport abbr. Sun Air Food And Exercise religion abbr. Spiritual Ambassadors For Everyone religion abbr. Safety Awareness Faith Empowerment religion abbr. Sharing Adventure, Fellowship, And Experience law abbr. Sexual Assault Free Environment law abbr. Support Abatement Forfeiture Enforcement law abbr. Sexual Abuse For Everyone law abbr. Scream Avoid Fight Escape law abbr. Safe And Friendly Environment law abbr. Seniors Against Fraud And Exploitation law abbr. Sexual Assault Forensic Examination law abbr. Substance And Alcohol Free Environments law abbr. Setting Addicts Free Eternally school abbr. Safe, Active, and Family Environment film cens. abbr. Secure Approved Family Environment gen. bus. abbr. Safety Advancement For Employees gen. bus. abbr. Simple...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: PLAY SAFE. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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